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Student Citizenship Awards

OCTOBER 27, 2022 -- Public Schools of Saskatchewan will be recognizing public school student groups or classes that support citizenship or character building within their schools or community by providing annual Student Citizenship Awards. Student groups or classes at elementary and high school will be recognized for their contributions. There will be three $1,000 awards for Grades 1 to 8 and three $1,000 awards for Grades 9 to 12.

Read details and find the application form here: Public-Section-Student-Citizenship-Awards-Information-and-Application-2023.pdf

Board Chair and Vice-Chair Acclaimed

September 14, 2022 -- At the Organizational Meeting of the Regina Board of Education held last evening, Tara Molson was declared elected by acclamation to the office of Chairperson, effective immediately, and Sarah Cummings Truszkowski was declared elected by acclamation to the position of Vice-Chairperson, effective immediately.


In addition, the Board adopted the following motion:

Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) Fair Notice Letter

Regina Public Schools believes that the safety of students, staff and everyone who enters our schools and offices is of great importance. Our Shared Values of "I Respect" and "I Belong" speak to the belief that great learning starts with schools that are safe and comfortable environments in which to learn, work, grow and play. We also work closely with families and community partners to provide supports our students might need to ensure that they are healthy and successful at school.

Mental Health Resources

APRIL 4, 2022 -- Anxiety, worry and stress are something we all feel, and sometimes we may need help. Mental health supports are available to help you if and when you need it. Listed below are some helpful resources.

HealthLine 811 - offers mental health and addictions service, including 24/7 crisis support, advice to help manage a caller’s situation, information and connection to community resources.