The High School Assessment Days for Semester II will occur starting on Wednesday, June 19th through to Monday, June 24th of 2024.
A reminder to all parents/guardians that if your child is not in attendance for their final assessment that you are required to notify the office of their absence.
Please email martincollegiate@rbe.sk.ca or call the Martin Collegiate Main School Office (306) 523-3450 to report your child's attendance during Final Assessment week.
Thank you in advance for your assistance as your diligence in reporting your child's attendance will greatly reduce the workload on our office staff.
Click HERE to enlarge image.
- Students that have outstanding assignments or need to complete activities related to passing their classes should be engaged in the process of Credit Completion during Final Assessment week.
- June 24th is the LAST DAY of school for students. There is NO SCHOOL for students from Tuesday, June 25th through to Wednesday, June 26th as these are High School Staff Development Days for faculty and staff to conduct the business of completing Semester II.