

The Premier Performance Stream is designed for elite student-athletes who currently train for their sport during the school day.  In many cases, these athletes already compete at a provincial, national or international level in their chosen sport. 


Program Overview

Students in the Premier Performance Stream are grouped based on their sport and training schedule to ensure we have the best fit for your child. Fitness development is built into the school day under the guidance of highly experienced and qualified educators. This includes fitness instruction, classroom learning opportunities and mentorship. Students progress through a four-year approach to physical education that enhances their sense of self and personal wellness. While many outcomes are met through the “lens” of fitness, our students still experience all the necessary outcomes of the physical education curriculum in our province. The Premier Performance Stream is designed to be a compliment to the programs offered in our province and support the students in becoming the best student-athletes they can.

Where possible, accommodation is provided by modifying a student’s timetable or assignment schedule to avoid conflict with their training or competition timelines. However, it may not be possible for all course requests to be met. Parents/families are responsible for the transportation to and from their chosen training facilities. 

We welcome the opportunity for student-athletes to discuss their needs with us based on their chosen sport. A few examples may include: figure skating, swimming, diving, water polo, rowing and tennis. Sport specific training will be provided by the student-athlete’s current coach or provincial governing body.         

The academy will provide a flexible academic schedule for each student in the Premier Performance Stream along with academic guidance and in-school fitness and cross-training activities from our nationally certified strength and conditioning instructor. This program is designed to complement the athlete’s overall development in collaboration with the coaches and governing bodies.


Alumni Spotlight

College Athletes - 32

National Champions - 15

Professional Athletes - 4

Olympians - 1


Strength and Conditioning Instructor:  

Warren Gilroy, BKin, B. Ed. AD., CSCS


Please contact one of the following coordinators to set up a school visit at Martin Collegiate:     

Kim Perepeluk



Rob Cherepuschak
